10 Tips for Summer Moving

Summer is by far the most popular season to move. No snow, not a lot of rain, pleasant temperatures, and more leisure time for a big move, especially if you have kids. What’s the downside? Well, everyone else has the same idea.
Moving during the Summer is more clement weather-wise, but there are a few things you’ll need to keep in mind to make the experience smooth and stay ahead of the game. Here are 10 Tips for Summer Moving to make your family’s next chapter hassle-free and simple.
Tip One : Plan Months In Advance
Yes, I said months. Not days. Not weeks. Months. Begin your moving company shopping in late Winter, and by Spring have a company and a moving date set. Make sure to book early; January through March would be the ideal time.
The sooner you get ahead of all the other folks seeking to move in June through August, the better. And moving companies appreciate being given plenty of heads up, too.
Tip Two : Don’t Move On The Weekend
While a weekend move may seem ideal, you’ll run into the same problem; everyone will want to move on the weekend. A mid-week move date (Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday) will give you the best chances of getting a slot and having everything go your way.
Tip Three : Have A Plan For Pets and Kids
Can the kids and the dogs stay at your parents for a couple of days? Or an aunt and uncle’s? Toddlers need a lot of care and supervision; trying to keep an eye on them during a move can be tough. Same with pets, and it’s surprisingly easy to accidentally leave someone behind in the rush.
If possible, have small kids and pets stay with a relative for a day or two, until moving day is behind you, and you’ve settled in a bit. You’ll have fewer humans (and animals) to keep track of and can focus on the move itself.
Put the older kids to work on the big day, and make sure they have plenty to do. They can help move smaller boxes, and keeping everyone busy will get things on the road quicker, too.
Tip Four : Have a Yard Sale
Get. Rid. Of. Stuff. You’ll be shocked at how many things you’ve never used or even seen for ages until you start sorting. Get rid of everything you don’t need. If you didn’t even realize you had it, you probably don’t need it.
A Yard Sale can help you lighten the load, start fresh in a new home, and put some money in your pocket, too.
Tip Five : Identify Your “Big Items”
“Big items” don’t have to be physically large, but they are important. Beds, plates and cups, basic cookware, laptops, clothing, shoes, the stuff you can’t live without. Make sure you’ve identified the “must move” items well ahead of time so that you have plenty of room to get them into the moving truck first.
Helpful hint; If you absolutely need it to be dressed, to work, to eat, or to sleep, it needs to go first. Make sure all medications and medical devices (like walkers, canes, or sleep apnea equipment) make the move, too.
Tip Six : Start Packing “Small Items” Early
Way early. Many things can be gotten rid of at the yard sale, but you can start packing up “small items” items months in advance. Artwork, sentimental items, nicknacks, and all those random chargers can get stored away first. They’ll be ready when you need them, won’t get left behind, and can go into the truck right after your “big items”.
Tip Seven : Plan For Delays
Ideally, nothing will delay your big day, but things can come up. Give yourself a 10-day cushion period (if possible) in which to move. This way, if the moving company reports a truck breakdown or one of you gets sick, it’s not as emotionally stressful to move the dates around.
Tip Eight : Make Sure Your Car Is Ready
This involves several things; having a full gas tank or a fully charged EV battery, being ready with tie-down and bungee cords (if needed), and having a car that’s safe to drive. Get your vehicle serviced before the big day, and make sure your car’s AC is working, too.
Check tire pressure, tire tread, and fluid levels, and load up the car with smaller boxes on the big day. It’s also a good idea to let toiletries, a first aid kit, and a change of clothing travel with you in the car, so you can access it quickly if need be. Plus, planning will help you maximize space and drive more safely.
Tip Nine : Pack Snacks and Water
You may not be able to get to food easily for a day or two, so have enough snacks ready in the car. Peanut butter crackers, sandwiches, bottled water, fruit, and fig newtons are all easy to transport, not messy, and can be enjoyed on the road. Be especially sure to have enough bottled water on hand for everybody, including the movers.
Tip Ten : Plan The Route
This is often overlooked, but it’s important. A moving truck may not be able to clear low bridges. What about construction? Local flooding or events that might close down roads? Plan the trip well in advance, make sure the route is safe, and stay updated frequently before the big day.
This will help you avoid surprises and get you to your new home safely.
Final Thoughts
Getting moving in the Summer requires some careful deliberating and booking months out, as well as a safe and well-fueled car, route planning, and prioritizing items. Book the move for the middle of the week and avoid holidays. Have smaller boxes packed and ready, leaving larger items for the truck. A yard sale will also go a long way in lightening your load.
Have plenty of food and water for the big day, and let smaller kids and pets stay with family on moving day if possible. Remember, the earlier you book and the better prepared you are, the easier moving day will be! No matter the complexity of your move, you can count on our movers in Vancouver and Calgary. More information about services can be found on the website.